Not magic, just a different kind of science.
Reading Roundup
Loyal followers! I’m not dead! In fact I’ve been working away on a few cool projects, but I’m not quite ready to divulge. Anyway, I thought I would post about a few different resources I’ve been reading through lately: A Conversation with Anders Hejlsberg You have to read every word. Seriously, stop reading this […]
MoreQuick Post: My JS File Template
I use PHPStorm for all my JavaScript needs. Dang it’s good. Anyway, I’ve been working on a secret JS project I’ll hopefully share one day, and one thing I’ve been working on is my JS file template. There’s not a lot to it, but this is what mine looks like: /** * Author: thegoldenmule * […]
MoreOn functional programming in classical languages
AS3 is certainly not strictly classical (there’s a Class::prototype object for Pete’s sake!), but it’s got a lot of the classical garb. Anyway, today I was rummaging around in a class in our codebase called FunctionUtils and I decided, whilst fixing a few things, why not add a couple of the fun functional constructs?! Function::schönfinkeling […]
MoreItsy Updates (plus a bonus tutorial)!
I’ve been working on Itsy lately, because, let’s be honest, my fire demo was only marginally cool. Now, however, even people who aren’t my mom may tell me it looks cool! Check out my new fire: [iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ width=”400] Now that’s an improvement. On to the bonus tutorial. [WARNING: Bonus content ahead.] In […]
MoreItsy Examples
Click on the canvases to start + stop each particle emitter. You should probably stop each particle emitter rather than running all three at once. 🙂 new thegoldenmule.particle.ParticleEmitter([ new thegoldenmule.particle.Acceleration(0, -0.09), new thegoldenmule.particle.Velocity(3 * Math.PI / 4, 5 * Math.PI / 4, 1, 1), new thegoldenmule.particle.Position(0, 0, 10), new thegoldenmule.particle.Lifetime(1000, 2000), new thegoldenmule.particle.EmissionRateFade(50, 0, 100), […]
MoreItsy– a cute name for an otherwise uncaring particle system
There are probably plenty of HTML5 particle systems out there–just pay a visit to old man Google and you’ll see (I didn’t actually look because I was busy assuming I needed to write my own). The problem with all of those other particle systems is that I didn’t write them. Also they probably suck. Again […]
MorePragmatically Parsing Plists without Pruning Your Persimmons (if you know what I mean)
Enough euphemisms! I don’t even know what a plist is! Well you’re in the right place, cause I’m all out of euphemisms, and I’ve got plist pknowledge, paramount and plenty. I was out programming an “HTML5, standards compliant web based tool” the other day, and I needed to be able to parse a .plist file […]