
Small Static Factory Methods

You know how Cocoa classes generally have static methods that serve as factories? return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:obj1, obj2, nil]; That’s a dumb example, especially now that you can do @[obj1, obj2], but why not do the same in AS3? For instance: return TransactionResponse.FailedResponse(); This would replace something like: var response:TransactionResponse = new TransactionResponse(); response.success = true; […]


Itsy Updates (plus a bonus tutorial)!

I’ve been working on Itsy lately, because, let’s be honest, my fire demo was only marginally cool. Now, however, even people who aren’t my mom may tell me it looks cool! Check out my new fire: [iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ width=”400] Now that’s an improvement. On to the bonus tutorial. [WARNING: Bonus content ahead.] In […]


Away3D 4.0-beta

I’ve been fooling around with the Away3d 4.0-beta lately (for FP11!). I wrote a quick demo–it’s using Box2D on the XZ plane, and I’m faking the Y physics. Try it out! Arrow Keys move. Spacebar shoots. Enter jumps. If you time it right, you can jump over the wall! Link here.


QuickPost: Faking gravity

Very recently, I needed an object to shoot into the air and fall realistically, but I didn’t want to import a tweening library or a physics engine. What I needed was some sort of parametric equation that would act like gravity… What would this mysterious equation be… Oh, that’s right, Newton’s equation of motion for constant […]
